Fresh Retro Juice


10 Of The Best 80s Movie Montages

Shembo1 Comment

The classic movie montage is a clever cinematic device filmmakers employ to show the audience how the hopeless lead morphs into a triumphant hero! Yes, the director could have taken the time to weave believable sub-plots, nuanced character traits or dropped subtle hints that foreshadows the journey of our protagonist BUT THAT IS ZERO FUN!

17 Of The Best Retro Arcade Games

Shembo3 Comments

The golden age of retro arcade games is somewhat debatable but what can be agreed, is that it exploded into the mainstream from the lates 70s and early 80s with popular iconic games like Pong, Space Invaders and Asteroids. The rise in retro video games soon began to leak into popular culture with cartoons, songs and cult classic 80s movies like Tron and The Last Starfighter. Here are 17 of the best arcade games that would leave a lot of retro gamers with a warm fuzzy glow!

12 Of The Best & Worst Jean-Claude Van Damme Movies


I was born and raised on classic martial arts movies and watching one of the greatest 80s action stars of the time, Jean-Claude Van Damme. As a big JCVD fan I decided to rank his top movies and await the internet to scream at me in CAP LOCKS for being wrong! So here are 12 of Jean-Claude Van Damme’s best and worst movies!

10 Retro Gifts From The 80s


For those who are of the old school, vintage persuasion and enjoy all that the 1980s had to offer, then you might be looking for some inspiration. Mainly because we’re super annoying to buy for! Here are our top 10 80s retro gift ideas perfect for Christmas.

12 Of The Best 80s & 90s Funko Pop Figures


For those who do not know what these are, they are cool collectible toys of all your favourite pop culture characters from movies, TV, gaming and music. All with a very distinctive bobblehead style, you can find Funko Pop Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Funko Pop Fortnite, a headless Game of Thrones Ned Stark and you can even Funko Pop yourself!

5 Toys I Wanted As A Kid


One thing that was true to being a youth 'back in the day' was when you wanted the newest toy (carefully selected in the Argos catalogue!) 9 times out of 10 you didn’t get it. Why? Because our parents weren’t morons who crumbled to the cries of a bratty child demanding a chimpanzee for her 7th birthday!