About — Fresh Retro Juice

Fresh Retro Juice

About Me

Geriatric millennial and writer refusing to grow up! I’m a child of the 80s who got drunk in the 90s and attempted to adult in the 2000’s. I am also often mistaken online for a guy due to my content on action movies, ‘boys toys’, retro gaming and other geeky stuff that’s considered strictly for ‘lads’. However, I am a lady who grew up playing football on a council estate, watching Jean Claude Van Damme movies and being suplexed into inanimate objects (WWF style) by my older brother!

As a kid I was more interested in screaming “Thundercats… HOOOOOO!” rather than entertaining tea parties with my dolls. The only problem was, I never really grew out of excitedly singing the Thundercats theme tune at any given moment!

So, in 2018 after another completely necessary impulse purchase of a Nintendo Game Boy wristwatch, I decided to share my love all things retro, nostalgic and ridiculous with the interweb!

You can find me most days watching re-runs of Murder, She Wrote while rocking a Goonies T-Shirt and passive aggressively tutting at “the youths of today!” Contact me here or Facebook or Instagram.

Here are a few of my favourite things...

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.
— George Bernard Shaw