Calling All Retro Geeks: Come Write For Us!
If you are a child of the 80s who got drunk in the 90s and are STILL trying to dodge adulting like a ninja then get involved!
If you know your SNES from your SEGA, your Thundercats from your Gummi Bears and your Back to the Future from your Goonies… then you my friend can stay!
AND FINALLY if you have a flair for writing and have opinions on all things 80s and 90s, then give us a shout!
We are always interested in writers who want to showcase their work and spread a little bit of nostalgic love. So, if you would like to guest blog for us, then simply drop us a line below!
Currently this isn’t a paid gig BUT we are looking to change that soon. For now the writing is all about the glory of sharing your words with an audience who will give you a standing ovation for your retro know-how! (We also will link to your website/blog and social profiles.)